Fire Safety- Yard Clean-up & Defensible Space
Spring is coming, Winter is over – It's time to clean up that yard!
Spring Cleaning! At the end of each winter, Mother Nature blankets your yard with pine needles, dead branches, pine cones and leaves. The endless bags of brush and debris and running to the local dump take more time from your life when you could be enjoying springtime. Instead, let us do your spring cleaning for you! We offer very competitive rates, because we are not landscapers. We will quickly clean up your property, providing a Fire Safe yard with a "clean slate" appearance, ready for you to landscape or just enjoy.
Defensible space refers to that area between a house and an oncoming wildfire where the vegetation has been modified to reduce the wildfire threat and which provides an opportunity for fire fighters to effectively defend the house. Oftentimes, a defensible space is simply a homeowner's backyard.
Within the recommended defensible space distance, we conduct the following activities:
Remove dead vegetation (i.e., dead trees and shrubs, dried grass, dead branches, etc.).
Remove lower branches from mature trees to a height of eight feet from ground level. Also, remove small trees and shrubs growing under mature trees.
Remove tree branches within 15 feet of a chimney or stove pipe. Keep vegetation clear of power lines and decks.
Beyond 30 feet, remove native shrubs to provide a separation between shrubs of approximately three times the shrub height (i.e., if shrub height is 2 feet, then 3 x 2 feet = 6 feet separation)we thin mature native trees to provide a separation of at least 10 feet between tree crowns.
Selectively thin and maintain remaining native vegetation at a shorter height through pruning.